Health & Wellness
Columbus Saints Performing Arts – Health and Wellness
We prioritize your health and well-being at SPA. Our Health & Wellness Program connects you with medical professionals, therapists, and trainers to help you achieve your best performance.
Program Goals:
- Evaluate your health and medical history.
- Develop injury prevention strategies.
- Educate staff on health and wellness best practices.
- Provide on-site care as needed.
- Communicate health information and concerns to SPA staff.
- Develop and research physical training protocols for all sections.
Health Guidelines
To stay healthy and perform your best, follow these guidelines:
- Hygiene: Maintain daily hygiene routines (showering, deodorant, brushing teeth). Wash hands frequently.
- Hydration: Stay hydrated throughout the day. Carry a water bottle for easy access.
- Sun Protection: Use sunscreen regularly and wear protective clothing (hats, light-colored shirts).
- Footwear: Always wear shoes outside.
- Rest: Prioritize sleep whenever possible.
- Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. Limit excessive sugar and junk food.
- Medical Conditions: Consult your doctor about any chronic conditions and bring necessary medications or equipment.
- Allergies: If you have allergies, carry an appropriate emergency kit and know how to use it.
- Physical Fitness: Drum corps requires physical endurance. Maintain a workout routine between rehearsals and events. Here are some resources to help you:
- Chafing: Use medicated body powder or cornstarch to prevent chafing.
- Hydration: Ensure you’re urinating regularly (3-4 times per day).
- First Aid: First aid kits are available on the buses.
Heat Injuries
Be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses:
- Heat Cramps: Muscle cramps caused by salt loss. Treat by drinking a saline solution (0.1% salt).
- Heat Exhaustion: Excessive sweating, pale skin, rapid pulse, headache, dizziness. Treat by resting in a cool place, elevating feet, and drinking a saline solution.
- Heat Stroke: A serious condition with high body temperature, absence of sweating, and mental confusion. Requires immediate medical attention. Cool the person down and call for help.
Additional Notes
- Focus on how you feel, look, and perform, rather than weight.
- Avoid soda before rehearsals as the carbonation can hinder oxygen intake.
- If you have any concerns about your health or fitness, please talk to a staff member.