The 2024-2025 Auditions are here!
The Audition Packets can be found here:
Audition Sign-up form: https://forms.gle/ZW1UEk31vnFhrTiC6
Audition Dates:
October 6, 2024. From 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. At Champions Golf Course.
October 13, 2024. From 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. At Three Creeks Metro Park
October 20, 2024. From 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. At Three Creeks Metro Park
Important information for the Three Creeks Metro Park Auditions. Exact location of the auditions is at the Smith Farms Entrance to the park on Watkins Road. If you just put Three Creeks park into Google or Apple maps it will take you to the opposite side of the park which will be 15 minutes drive away from the site. Please use this dopped pin as your reference for where to go. https://maps.app.goo.gl/sk8MfeMeuW3nNfeZ7
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost to join?
The costs for members is $750. There will be volunteer, fundraising and even some scholarship opportunities to reduce the cost of membership.
What is the schedule like?
Our Schedule after auditions will be rehearsals on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. It will be every weekend with a few exceptions until finals.
We will be performing in 4 or 5 OIPA shows and 2 WGI shows, including finals, throughout the season.
The season officially begins after auditions Sunday October 6, 2024 and will conclude with WGI finals on April 12, 2025.
Full Schedule can be found Here: 2024-2025 Schedule
What do I bring to auditions and rehearsals?
You will need to bring the audition packets you need, a pencil, a water bottle. and wear athletic clothing.
You do not need to bring an instrument with you, we have instruments available.
Is there arranged transportation?
Due to the nature of the activity and the proximity of the events, there will be no arranged transportation to any event this season. If you need help with transportation, reach out to the staff and other members to see if it possible to arrange transportation.
Is there food provided during events?
There will not be food provided for most events, including rehearsals and shows, it is recommended to pack food or bring some cash to buy food during breaks.
If I paid at the clinic do I need to pay again?
You do not, the fee to visit the clinic covers the cost of auditions.
Have any other questions?
Email Bretton Jones at bjones@columbussaints.org